Chris Lofts

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Towcester Brook Ward Learn more

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Lights Go Out in Towcester

by Chris Lofts on 27 May, 2011

Street lights are being turned off this week across Towcester by Tory controlled
Northamptonshire County Council. The decision to plunge Towcester and all areas across
the county into darkness has been done to save money.
Commenting district councillor Martin Johns said, “These are quite extreme measures
from the Conservatives. The effects will become more noticed once we get into the
autumn. Despite requests there has been no consultation on the details of this decision.”
Councillor Chris Lofts said, “Without any advance notice local representatives and local
people have been excluded from being able to comment. I am very concerned that these
cuts may put lives in danger.” Councillor Johns added, “Many younger people and older
residents may be confined to stay in once winter arrives as they will be reluctant to walk
anywhere after dark.”

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