Chris Lofts

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Towcester Brook Ward Learn more

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Lib Dems Raise Concerns over Welfare Reform Bill

by Chris Lofts on 1 June, 2011

Towcester Liberal Democrats have written to local MP Andrea Leadsom raising concerns over some elements of the Welfare Reform proposals. The current complicated web of benefits and allowances available to the most vulnerable people in society is being simplified, a move that is welcomed. There are concerns, however, that improvements could be made to the proposals.

Our key concerns at this stage are:
• the proposed qualifying period for the new Personal Independence Payment;
• the introduction of a 12 month time limit on entitlement to one component of Employment and Support Allowance; and
• the abolition of Community Care Grants and Crisis Loans.

In addition, while Universal Credit will be beneficial to many claimants, not all will be better off under the new system. Finally, we fear that changes and cuts to the way that welfare benefit advice and legal assistance are funded may undermine the transition to and operation of the new system and leave vulnerable people without the help they need.

Chris Lofts and Martin Johns have asked our South Northants MP to raise these concerns as the proposal works its way through Parliament.

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