Chris Lofts

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Towcester Brook Ward Learn more

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by Chris Lofts on 24 June, 2011

Parents are campaigning to keep the lollipop lady who helps children cross Vernon Road
near Towcester Primary School.
Conservative run Northamptonshire County Council has withdrawn funding for all school
crossing patrol services in the county. Liberal Democrat Councillor Martin Johns has
been supporting parents, who have started a petition to try to save the school crossing
patrol service. A public meeting is also being considered.
The petition already has hundreds of signatures and the support of the headteacher.
Commenting Cllr Martin Johns said, “Vernon Road is a busy road that joins the A5 trunk
road. It’s a very dangerous location, and with more housing development planned traffic
will only increase in future years”. Northamptonshire County Council says it would only
continue running the school crossing patrol if the community was able to come up with
funding for it.
Councillor Chris Lofts said, “The Tory county councillor for Towcester has helpfully
suggested parents volunteer to run the patrol themselves! NCC appear to be leaving
Towcester residents to run public services themselves. No street lights, a planned new
library without funding for books and now no crossing patrol for Primary School kids.”
Local Liberal Democrats say they are pledged to help and support parents in their fight to
keep our local children safe.

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