Chris Lofts

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Towcester Brook Ward Learn more

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Lib Dems highlight research by Shelter that shows high risk of eviction across South Northants.

by Chris Lofts on 21 December, 2011

The Housing Charity Shelter has recently published research showing that the number of families accepted by South Northamptonshire Council as homeless has risen steadily during the past year. The gap between household income and average house prices has also been widening dramatically. ‘In 1997 the average house in South Northants cost five times the average annual income. Now the figure is eight times annual income.’ commented Lib Dem Councillor Chris Lofts. ‘It is becoming harder and harder for local people to take the first step on the home ownership ladder.’
Fellow Lib Dem Councillor Martin Johns added ‘Housing Association rents are also rising. Households are facing a real squeeze on budgets whether it is a rented or mortgaged home.’ The situation has been made worse as the number of affordable houses being built each year that local families can buy has fallen. Shelter show that in 2004/05 110 affordable homes were delivered but in 2009/10 it was only 10.
‘The lack of affordable homes being built is a real concern.’ explained Chris Lofts, ‘SNC has a policy of insisting developers deliver 40% affordable housing on larger developments. Key sites being planned for housing in Towcester are looking to reduce this amount right down to less than 20%.’ Lib Dems will be pushing SNC to keep to the 40% figure and not pander to developers’ profit margins.
‘The Shelter report shows how badly off we are for affordable housing.’ Commented Martin Johns ‘It is crazy that Tory led SNC is considering letting developers off the hook.’
Any residents who are struggling with their housing costs should seek early expert advice by contacting Shelter on 0808 800 4444 or their website

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