Chris Lofts

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Towcester Brook Ward Learn more

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Lib Dems shocked by NCC Budget

by Chris Lofts on 12 April, 2012

South Northants Lib Dem Councillors are outraged that the Tories at Northants County Council have ignored calls to invest in key services. Newly elected County Councillor Chris Lofts was part of the team that put together plans to turn on street lights, fund all of Towcester’s PCSOs, fund Towcester’s Lollipop Lady and stop massive cuts to vital support services. Instead the Conservatives blatantly ignored all suggestions and bullied their own cuts and increased charges through.
‘I have spent weeks talking to Towcester residents on doorsteps, at our surgery and on the telephone in the run up to the local election in February.’ explained Cllr Chris Lofts. ‘The consistent message from people was anger that street lights had been switched off, PCSOs were being sacked and libraries were under threat. Now the county Tories have added insult to injury by cutting social service budgets and increasing fees and charges for our most vulnerable residents.’
Cllr Martin Johns slammed the unpopular decision to ignore the clear message from Towcester residents, ‘The election in February showed that residents are fed up with cuts to frontline services. Lib Dems produced a budget that delivered a zero increase in Council Tax yet paid for the very services Towcester people expect. Once again arrogant Tories think they know best!’
Commented Cllr Lisa Samiotis, ‘The people of Towcester have made it quite clear given our victory in the by-election, that they are fed up with being taken for granted. The elderly want to be able to walk the streets at night without feeling vulnerable because of the lack of lighting, parents want their children to be able to walk to school safely, It is the duty of the council to keep our residents safe and instead they are making petty savings by cutting streetlights and school crossing patrols ’

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