Liberal Democrat Councillor for Towcester Brook Ward Learn more
by Chris Lofts on 12 April, 2012
‘I read with interest the leading articles in last week’s paper about South Northants Council’s announcement of the developer partner in Moat Lane, Towcester.
The first reason I found it interesting is that, despite being a democratically elected representative for Towcester, the first I knew of the announcement was in the local media. Since being elected the three popular Liberal Democrat Councillors in Towcester have consistently questioned the ruling Tory administration about progress on the scheme and in particular their foolhardy decision to relocate the council’s office to Moat Lane. We have voiced the views of the majority of people in Towcester but have been totally ignored. We have now been excluded from our democratic right to information.
Secondly, not one person at this prestigious launch comes from or has any interest in Towcester. The developer, not unreasonably, comes from far afield but will hopefully bring expertise and sense to the project. The Chief Executive of WNDC is Northampton based and is largely irrelevant as their interest is historic now they are being wound up. The two representatives from SNC were an interesting choice. The lead member comes from the west of the district beyond Brackley and the other from Yardley Gobion, indeed he has recently been roundly rejected by Towcester as their councillor so has no right to represent their town.
Thirdly, SNC talk of consulting over the detailed planning application – I ask why bother! SNC have totally ignored the previous consultations and have almost certainly already agreed with the developer what will go on the site. Further consultation is an insult to the intelligence of the people of Towcester.
Hopefully residents across South Northamptonshire will now wake up and see that their Council is actually being run by a small junta of councillors who ignore the views of both residents and democratically elected councillors. No doubt I will be accused of being ‘political’ but I would rather stand up for the politics of true consultation and participation across all parties and backgrounds than allow the council to be driven by narrow interest groups.
Further local elections will be held in May 2013 and that will be the opportunity for residents to exercise choice over how they are represented. I hope they use it wisely’
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