Chris Lofts

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Towcester Brook Ward Learn more

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“Conservatives should back Northamptonshire manufacturing” Cllr Chris Lofts

by Chris Lofts on 23 May, 2012

Liberal Democrat Regeneration Spokesman Councillor Chris Lofts has issued a call for the Conservatives to back manufacturing in Northamptonshire after they adopted a Council Plan, the blueprint for the County over the next 4 years, which stated that “Northamptonshire’s economy is too reliant on logistics and manufacturing.”

Chris said “Manufacturing is crucial in rebuilding our shattered economy. It is true that we will probably never get back to the days of Northamptonshire manufacturing past as a world leader in shoes, steel and ball-bearings. But it is also clear that the decline in manufacturing under Thatcher led to an unbalanced and unsustainable economy based on banking. With the banking collapse exposing the folly of that economic strategy, we know that we need to rebalance the economy to a number of sectors, including high skilled manufacturing.”

“Government policies, such as the Liberal Democrat inspired £3bn Green Investment Bank, are clearly geared towards encouraging the manufacturing of environmental technology. We know that other areas are not being so short sighted and turning their backs on opportunities to boost manufacturing. The Conservatives have made the decision to send out a message to manufacturers both in Northamptonshire and looking to invest in Northamptonshire – we do not value what you bring to the table. This is an insult to our heritage and a potentially disastrous policy for our future.”

“Quite simply, we must get Northamptonshire building again. The Conservatives should change their plan and back Northamptonshire manufacturing.”

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