Chris Lofts

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Towcester Brook Ward Learn more

Lib Dems Call for Smaller SNC Cabinet

by Chris Lofts on 27 May, 2011

A key element of Towcester’s newly elected Liberal Democrat councillors’ manifesto was to reduce the amount SNC spends on its elite Cabinet. Liberal Democrats pledged to cut the cost of the Cabinet by getting rid of the Deputy Leader allowance and reducing the number of Councillors on Cabinet from 8 to 6. This would have saved £15,000 per year. The Conservative led Council totally ignored this approach and has re-appointed 8 Councillors.

Commenting Councillor Martin Johns said, “It was disappointing that there was no discussion about the size of SNC’s Cabinet. One of the existing Cabinet members resigned this year so there was an easy way to reduce the number immediately.”

Councillor Chris Lofts added, “The Council is reducing the size of its Senior Management Team to cut costs but seems reluctant to reduce the amount spent on the Cabinet.”

Northampton Borough Council, also run by the Conservatives, has just announced its Cabinet will only have 6 Councillors.

“Northampton has a population of 210,000 compared to SNC’s of only 89,000 so how come they can cope with fewer Cabinet Councillors?” queried Councillor Lofts. “Given the Council’s dismal record on consulting residents over major issues such as the planned office move, how effective is the role of the Community Engagement Cabinet Member? Is this a made up position which could be cut?”

Cllr Johns and Cllr Lofts will continue to press for a reduction in the cost of allowances paid to the elitist Cabinet.

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